yesterday i headed out for the brimfield flea market
with my son, hunter, the "big guy," as he's known around here.
usually i go with my girlfriends, but they couldn't make it.
just as well, as i don't get to spend many days alone with him. are a few pics of our day ~

with my son, hunter, the "big guy," as he's known around here.
usually i go with my girlfriends, but they couldn't make it.
just as well, as i don't get to spend many days alone with him. are a few pics of our day ~

one day is not enough time ~ so many treasures to uncover and hunt for!
arrg! i'm kicking myself that i didn't get a picture of big guy ~
i know bad mum. anyway, i'll give you a visual ~
hair down to his shoulders with a vintage black bowler hat ~
too cool. here's a pic of him on his b~day.

when we came upon a booth that looked like my style, he'd say, "looks like they read your dreams." he's a sweetie and a keeper. we didn't buy much, but we had a fabulous day together!
How sweet that Hunter went with you. He is a cutie! How wonderful that he can point put the 'booths of your dreams'
Oh that looks like a fabulous place to go to.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Lucky you three times over!!! You got to go to a fun, cute littel flea market, you have such a handsome guy, AND he'll go shopping with you! What more could a girl want? LOL
you lucky girl!!!
I want to go to brimfield! one day ill get there.
WOW!! this really was heaven on earth.
look at all the beautiful furniture.
Thanks for sharing! Can't wait till my budget allows for me to go to all my old treasure hunting stomping grounds. Would have loved to gone here too!
great pictures of what sounded like a fun time with your son. the flea market you went to must have been just beautiful.
Are you in Mass.?
what a great day, that flea market looks just amazing...the fleas by me should take some inspiration from yours, everything looks just nice you could spend the day with your cute son:)
What a good day you had. I have been training my 4 year old son to be my flea partner.
looks like so much fun! and what a trooper your big guy was :)
Hello, what a lovely blog! I found you from the links at Garden Antiques. Lovely site and stunning photos!
Karen at Ciderantiques
Hi, love your blog - wish we had flea markets like that here..:)
Oh how lovely! I almost feel like I was there! Also, what a super-sweet guy to go with you! :)
Hi Heidi! I've never been to the famous Brimfield flea market, that would be a joy! I did however just return from a little known, but huge flea market in Ohio... 4200 vendors and tons of goodies! I managed to post some of the great finds I lugged home with me, on my blog, lol..
Your photos are fabulous, and the "booth of your dreams" is gorgeous! It would be mine too!
Thanks for the eye candy,
Oh I am green with envy about your flea markets. We have absolutely nothing like that here in Australia! It must be so much fun treasure hunting.
Jo in Australia
Hi Heidi,
I just found your cool blog. I am actually setting up at Brimfield at the Sept show. I will be on the Shelton field in area B-52, we are there from Sept 2-4, I would love to meet you...I have more info at my blog I can't wait for the show!! Happy hunting!! Keri
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