I'm getting ready to leave for Cali, heading to the Art, Paperie & Pleasantries show
May 2 & 3 at the Alameda County Fairgrounds in Pleasanton, CA

May 2 & 3 at the Alameda County Fairgrounds in Pleasanton, CA

I'm so excited because as you all know, I love Cali! My sister will be helping me, my oldest and dearest friend is going to try and come up to help too, I get to see a bunch of my Cali friends, and new ones I will finally meet in person, and last but not least ~ can you stand the lineup of artists who will be showing...pinch me!
But before I leave, it's time for a Giveaway ~
Leave a comment on this post telling me what is strange, unique, unusual, about this photo of Rosie
OK, she'll give you another hint...
Alright Rose, that's enough, you're making it way too easy for them!
But before I leave, it's time for a Giveaway ~
Leave a comment on this post telling me what is strange, unique, unusual, about this photo of Rosie

A surprise assortment of goodies handpicked by me, with a little help from Rosie
Leave a comment on this post, and I'll be back May 9th to announce the winner ~ best of luck!
xo Heidi
P.S. If you are coming to the show, please be sure to stop by and say hello, I'd love to meet you!
Unique she has three legs, but she seems very content.
Have fun and be sure to pick me! LOL
Hugs, Diane
Awww! She's so sweet! How did she end up with only three legs? Have fun in CA and thanks for the giveaway!
She looks just like my cat, Julington except Rosie only has three legs! She looks as sweet as my kitty! Have fun! Hope I win!
She only has three legs. Love her!! LindaSonia
Hmmm... let's see, is it the fact that she is missing a leg??? :)
Have a great time in Cali. I loved my visit when I went down in March. The Cali girls are definitely a hoot. I can't wait to see who you hang out with.
hugs, Joanna
I was looking at your side bar, "where to find me"... when will you be at Paper Crown (OK)?
(I'm hoping for a future date since you have it listed after
SB '09)
It's only 3.5 hrs. from Dallas. I wondering if I can get a group of Texas Bellas together for a quick road trip.
xoxo, Joanna
Is it the obvious answer, she only has three legs? Or is she expecting? Have fun in Cali!
Have a safe trip!!
I vote for 3 legs too..
She is a sweet little "special" kitty.... 3 legged....
I bet she astounds you with her adaptive-ness! ( I know, I see it every day with special needs kids and feel very blessed to have them in my life!)
Have fun on your trip!
Have a great trip and best of luck with your show!
It sounds like a blast.......
looks like the kitty only has 3 legs...wow
I went last year to the conveniozone and it was fun
you'll have a blast. The weather here is great - sunny but cool...
Hi Heidi...
I would love to come and see you..I loved meeting you at Silver Bella...E-mail me tomorrow, maybe you can bring some extra stock for my store...Bright colors...Let's talk... XOXO Mary
Sweetpeas & Snapshots
Rosie is sitting right here beside me ~ I told her you all are so smart ~ lol!
Today is jam packed with the final details of packing, or I should say cleaning up (after me) and trying to find my suitcase...
Talk to you when I return!
xo Heidi
Mmmm the three legged thing seems like a winner.
Count me in for your giveaway
what a cutie:) i had a kitty once with the same marking on her face...i see she is missing one of her legs too...have fun in cali!!!
Oh your kitty has three legs. It reminds me of a sad event in my childhood when my cat had a litter of kittens and one was born without a leg sad to say it didn't make it. Glad to see that your cat seems to be doing just fine!
Awww she only has 3 legs. Have a wonderful time at the show and we want to see pictures!!!
What a sweet three legged kitty- she seems not to mind that she is missing a leg or maybe she knows what a blessing it is to have three legs!
Have fun in California and good luck at your show- wish I was attending.
Not only three legs, but she looks more than a littel irritated in the last photo! Maybe she didn't want to be bothered.
And, Rosie also looks like she could be related to my Mr. Kitty - who is missing part of his tail!
that she has 3 legs but yet seems very well balanced and unfazed by it thanks for the giveaway
I certainly didn't notice at first...I thought maybe she had some kittens in her belly...but she seems to get along just fine with three legs! :) So pretty too....enjoying the spring sunshine! And good luck at the show! I'm so jealous! :)
I see as do the others that she is missing a leg--we have a cat missing her tail. Somehow she broke it and it didn't heal properly so we had to have it amputated. As soon as the fur grows back she'll look fine but for now, kind of funny looking!
Thanks for the giveaway chance!
What a pretty cat. Three legs?
Is it really that she has three legs? Have a good trip.
Oh, that is truly amazing. A sweet little 3 legged cat. I bet there isn't anything that she can't do!! Have a wonderful time in Cali. xxoo
I hope I could be that happy if I ended up missing a limb! She looks perfectly comfortable and living the good life!
A give away? A give away?! My favorite thing! LOL
Poor baby only has 3 legs! Doesn't seem to cause her any problems. Very sweet kitty. Warm wishes, Esther
Awww, she has three legs. I'm so glad she is content. I had a special kitty who was blind and he was happier than my 'no problems' cats. He was sure-footed, got around fine and never seemed to mind. Meanwhile his brother was clumsy and always falling off of everything he climbed.
I wish i was closer so I could check out the art show that sounds like so much fun! That little kitten can still play happily with only three legs, she such a trooper! This giveaway is so fun- I just love all you're treats!
I love the cat pics!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Hi! I didn't even notice right off that she had 3 legs- I just saw a happy kitty. Have a good time in California-I will look to the north and wave this weekend.
Beautiful Cat. She only has three legs but I bet she lives life to the fullest. Please enter me in your giveaway for some suprises. I love suprises. I hope your cat ads as much joy to your life as my dog ads to mine.
Cool cat. My inlaws have a 3 legged cat. They also have a 2- legged cat. Both get around fine.
What gorgeous coloring -- she's lucky to have you to take pictures of her lovely 3-legged self!!!
Thanks for the chance :) emvark at gmail dot com
Pick me, Pick me!! lol
She's beautiful! And wow, three legs
She looks happy
KawaiiNeko2008 at aol dot com
Rosie is a beautiful three legged baby.
1bmore @ gmail . com
Rosie only has one front leg! Was she born that way?
Amazing how animals adapt.
Have fun, and a safe trip.
I love the idea of no glue,
you can change it for the season, soon it will have sand and shells, and then who knows, When I have seen something like this before, I alway think
"Now where do I have room to store this"
Thank you for the great idea. Kathieao
pretty three-legged kitty. Looking forward to seeing you on "A Year of Color"
she seems to be eyeing the can of tuna you are holding waiting for you to pop the top- she is beautiful and seems to handle the fact she is not like the rest just fine..3 legs but it does not phase her/
have a fun trip
I guess the fact that Rosie has 3 legs is the subject. She seems not to mind at all ~ very adaptable. :-)
Hope you have a wonderful trip! There's just no place like Cali.
I actuallly looked at the top photo thinking that Rosie had her leg tucked up or something - then I realized it isn't there. One of my cats was hit by a car and had a broken leg - it's amazing how fast he could get around using just 3 until it healed. thanks for the chance to win and thanks for your tutorial on year of color
Times like this make me wish I still lived in California. Rosie looks sweet even with only three legs. Have a great time in CA!
Hi Heidi~ Aside from her missing leg, she looks like a ball of fire :-)
Travel safely and HAVE FUN!
I see that she has three legs, but she looks like she is a very happy young lady!
hi,I love your baskets for the swap, both of them are precious.
Now, about your pretty kitty. Well, as everyone said, she has 3 legs. But, I think the unusual thing is probably that she doesn't have some animal or other in her clutches. She looks like a fierce little hunter.
Happy May Day!!
Cari b
She is a beauty, and doesn't seem to miss the other leg -- she knows she's pretty!
It doesn't look like Rosie misses that front leg one little bit. How wonderful that humans and animals can adapt so easily.
I have to agree it looks like she only has three legs and is enjoying the wonderfully warm weather!
A three legged cat. She looks really sweet.
she's sweet! with her three legs! Have fun in california!
My brother's cat was missing a leg also, and she lived to be 21 years old! Her toughest challenge was trying to swat at the doggies she loved to chase. Thanks for the giveaway.
OMG, A 3-leg cat ,right?
haha, enjoy yr time in Cali:)
And, thanks for a chance to win:)
Well it is obvious that Rosie only has 3 legs but she is very cute. sharonaquilino(at)hotmail(dot)com
Rosie has three legs and beautiful markings. I had a kitty named boots that had those same markings when I was a child. My current kitty, Peaches, has markings that look like a swirly creaamsicle.
I'd love to enter your contest, love surprises...I hope you had a great & safe trip & hugs to Rosie.
Hope you have a fab trip! She has 3 legs but very happy kitty, as if she doesn't know she is suppose to have another leg.
Thank you for the chance at your giveaway!
Kindredly, Lynne Laura
What a beautiful three-legged cat-child. She looks like she is enjoying the beautiful day to the fullest. In fact, her coloring augments the colors of her surroundings, especially with the warm sunlight highlighting the scene. I love seeing pictures of other people's cat children. We have two, Maggie and Christopher, and we absolutely adore them. They love playing with each other, looking out the windows and observing nature, and they especially love our reading aloud time in the evenings.
Thank you so much for doing the giveaway and have lots of fun on your trip.
Oh my goodness - I hope you are having so much fun RIGHT NOW! I'm sure you are! :) Rosie is missing a leg it seems. Sweet kitty, was she born like that or did she have a sad accident? I love your May Day basket by the way.
Super cute kitty - looks a lot like my kitty except for her missing leg. Hope you had fun in CA. Fingers are crossed that I get picked for your giveaway :)
Rosie doesn't know or care that she's missing a leg.
My kitties send her nuzzles!
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
She's very unique with only 3 leggies!! But very happy! Thanks
hmahan_0529 @ yahoo dot com
Your cat is adorable...even with only 3 legs! I love her coloring!
I'm crossing my fingers and toes that I'll be your lucky pick...OH PICK ME!!!
Carol :)
Oh, goodie! It's just in time to be entered in what sounds like an absolutely fabulous giveaway!
Your pretty Rosie only has 3 legs.
Have fun in (usually) Sunny California! :)
Rosie is a 3-legged cat. She seems to be enjoying that beautiful sunshine and blends in nicely with her surroundings!
Hope you have fun in California!
Awwww, the poor little thing only has three legs?! She looks like she's getting along quite well!!
Give her a little scratch behind her ears for me! :)
Hi lovely!
I finally joined in the year of color blog and was SO very happy to be reading all about YOU this a.m.
Sweet little kitty with 3 legs...looks very well loved!
She has three legs but seems very happy. She is pretty!
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