Good morning and thanks for stopping by for the Coop Tour!
As a kid we had chickens and we did have fun collecting the eggs and riding them around on our bike handlebars, but for the most part I wasn't too thrilled about them. Back in March (after a friend started a flock) I got the idea to start my own. We ordered some Bantam Buff Brahmas (Pearl & Daisy) from My Pet Chicken and the rest were purchased from our local feed store - Fiona (Barred Rock,) Blue Bell & Little One (Araucana,) Buttercup (Buff Orpington,) Goldie (Golden Laced Wyandotte,) and Speckles (Speckled Sussex,) I know real original names!
As far as chickens go we have been so lucky to have a very harmonious coop, all get along so well
So for the coop ~ we were fortunate to have an existing large shed - one part is an old outhouse, now covered ove,r where we store our firewood, and the other is a small stable, I always dreamed of turning into a potting shed, but never thought it would share space with chickens! It all blends and works out so well. Aside from most of the wood and chicken wire, everything else we had on hand from my flea market adventures
The nesting box I made from an old cabinet top found on the side of the road, and after a few modifications, voila, a sweet nesting box. So far only 4 of the girls are laying - the bantams like to use the nesting box and the big girls like the basket ~ go figure!
The chandelier I bought many years ago on a trip to Colorado. It really was the piece that decided the decorating direction, that and the old dark bureau ~ it's all very French Country don't you think?
We decided to go all organic, so everything we feed the girls is pesticide free. Every day they get yogurt which they go crazy over ~ it's like ice cream to them!
From noon on I let them out to free range, after (most) have laid. I have noticed a couple of layers suddenly skipped a couple days here & there, hmm, I'm curious if they are laying in the yard - so far I have not found any hidden nests
One of our favorite things to do is watch "Chicken TV,' better than real TV - they are just so funny! People ask all the time if the chickens will run away (since we're only partially fenced in) funny thing about chickens are that they kind of know their parameters, once & a while they go just over the neighbors stone wall, but haven't ventured farther, and they all return to the coop to roost when the sun starts going down - it's amazing!
I hope you enjoyed visiting my coop ~ please stop by the rest of my chicken loving peeps coops ~ they're amazing!
Tiffany ~ The Fancy Farmgirl
Lorraine ~ Paper Bird
Kelly ~ Second Hand Chic
And Rosalyn-Sue is going to share some fun & interesting chicken ideas, come take a peek over at
The Patriot Girl Files
If you are looking for info about raising your own flock, or fabulous coop ideas - the help & ideas are endless over at Backyard Chickens ~ just about all I know I've learned from sweet peeps over there! Scan the various categories in the Forum, and check out the endless styles & ideas in the Coop section
If you have a coop and you missed out on this Coop Tour, please leave your link in a comment so others can come visit!
Thanks for stopping by ~
xo Heidi
Sorry something was a ll wonky with the font so I had to fix it and republish - so sorry subscribers you'll get it twice! xo
How totally charming! Your coop is amazing. I would love to have chickens but our town does not allow it. Silly, stupid laws. TFS Nan
That is one fancy chicken coop!! What pretty chickens!!
Hi Heidi,
Thanks for hosting the party. I can't wait to get around to all the posts! Your coop is just beautiful! My question is, how do you keep it so clean?
We have been giving ours the organic feed also. It's pricey but I figure we are eating whatever they are eating. Ours go crazy for grapes and of course any grasshoppers we find we throw in their yard and it's a feeding frenzy! I'm going to have to try the yogurt.
Second Hand Chicks
Thanks Kelly! Thanks so much for sharing your coop, it's just wonderfully charming and your girls are so lovely too! Yes, the yogurt is so good for them and it gives them so much calcium - I haven't had any issues with soft shell eggs - I only bought the oyster shells this week and my girls don't seem too interested in them yet. Again thanks a bunch for joining us!
xo Heidi
O.K, I want a coop like that.
I have been buggin my husband to get to chickens but he's afaid the dogs will eat them.
Our neighbors have them and say that the eggs are divine. They only have 3 chickens and they are getting on average 6 eggs a day!!
soon, you'll have more eggs than you know what to do with. LOL
Lots of souffles!!!
Have a lovely day
cari b.
Oops, Kelly, you also asked how do I keep it so we know chickens are quite messy - lotsa poop! Well, my coop is new, but I do clean out their roost every week and put new pine shavings down. The used shavings go out in the pen to compost, and the floor of the potting shed/nesting area has straw down, so far I have not changed that out as it really doesn't get messy - it's been about 4 months.
When the chickens were babies our little Dauchound would have killed them, but now they're bigger than her! Our cats have no interest other than playing peek-a-boo around the bushes. If they're raised with them they (usually) are pretty good to them (dogs that is!)
You are too much!!! This is amazing!!!! Just beautiful!
Oh goodness - they are just too adorable!! I would love to have chickens and a coop but I think my hoa would faint! Thanks for sharing yours!!
Heidi~ ~ ~I haven't been around for some time but I'm so glad that I stopped by. I love your coop. Its so sweet and homey for the girls. I have wanted chickens for some time but now nothing less than a coop as fancy as yours will do. You must have the most loved chickens ever. ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
your chickies live the sweet life! so cute ;)
Oh my goodness, what a great coop -- no wonder your ladies get along. We also had chickens when I was growing up in PA. Even with no fences on our 30 acres, all the hens came back to the hen house to roost every night.
I remember watching a Martha Stewart episode years ago on her chicken coops. I think you have one up on Marth!! This is so neat!! I am loving it and have been wanting to get chickens- gosh I would love a hen house like this! I bet the lay twice as many eggs for you as they are so happy in their little homey coop!!
bee blessed
Heidi I love your sweet coop and chicks and I love your idea of the nesting box made out of the cabinet, it's too cute! My girls and boys love yogurt too- it's by far their favorite treat. Their cute chins get all icky and gooey after I give it to them. Thanks for letting me take part in your coop tour. Sorry I was late posting too many things just kept going to heck in a handbasket!
How sweet Heidi! Adorable! I don't have chickens, but this adorable coop makes me what to. lol Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for sharing your lovely coop! I feel like I need to get busy decorating mine! amy
Thank you for your kind words...I do so hope to one day have such a beautiful coop like yours. Every detail is just so well done -- the vases in the caddy are simpy the best! I think I would move out to the coop if I lived there :) Thank you again for hosting this most fun little tour...I've had a lot of fun with it!
Big hugs from GA,
heidi, your co-op is to darn cute..when I move to cape may I will have to look into getting some grandmother raised chickens on her farm and sold the eggs but her co-ops weren't anywhere need to as how pretty your's is.. thanks for sharing ...have a honey of a night ~ sweet dreams! Marlene aka Mizz Bee xo ;)
Too cute Heidi. Your coop is the ptettiest little chicken home I've seen with the pictures on the wall and shelves and baskets. I too would love to have a coop. My neighbors just had one built this summer and have eight hens that just started laying. Their plan is to sell their house in about 4 years so I put in 1st dibs on their coop! Hope I get it! I do chicken sit from time to time when they are away and the chickens have attatched themselves to me. Fun.
:o) Sue
I really enjoyed reading about - and seeing - your chickens and their home!
I want a coop like that! I'll use it for a guest house :) What a wonderfully charming post. Your chicks are very lucky to live in such a charming place. Can't wait to check out the rest of your blog.
Heidi, your chickens are the luckiest chickens in the world! I adore their home and their beds, you did a fabulous job decorating the coop!
I have always wanted to raise chickens, you definitely inspire me.
Hi Heidi,
I'm a little late to the party, but LOVE your chicken home. I'm sending my BFF over here, Karen, who is the mama to chickens. I know she will enjoy this. xo Lidy
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