a BIG mess, but it was lots of fun. every bit of what i own seems to have been pulled out and before i knew it i was working under a lovely pile of cut paper, glitter, trims, petals, leaves and ribbon. i've been busy designing and creating some new kits, a banner, some gifts, and a new batch of glitter letters. all will be up for sale on my etsy shop. after pulling everything out i realized that i have way too much stuff, some from so long ago, and i thought it's time to use it. afterall, what was i saving it for? so bits and pieces have gone into my newest projects. funny how even the smallest scrap i can remember
buying on a trip to new york or cali, or somewhere in between. i remember when i first discovered tinsel trading - it was a dusty old shop filled with boxes that stacked to the ceiling. those were fun scavenger trips. now most of the garment district is much more polished. it's different, but exciting to see how far so many have come. to hold tight to their dreams and make their vision unfold - love that! i'm thrilled for them. did you see them in this month's home companion - great eye candy!here's a peek of my new winter banner. this one says "peace"have a great holiday week -
xo, h
Your blog is enchanting? i always am happily surprised!!
Love what you have made. The bird is so romantic.
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