meet my new studio assistant ~
matilda, sent by my sister and her hubby, isn't she sweet, kind of "vintage," but i've updated her, now she's hip, and on-line for the first time in her life (that was no small feat, and a huge learning curve for me!) now i can check orders and keep up to date all from my tiny upstairs studio. she is excellent at assisting my on-line purchasing too, which lately has been a whirl wind event. lots of pretty fabulous supplies coming in!look all pictures, we're gonna get along just fine! don't get me wrong, i love to read books, just not instructions ~ too left brain for me...matilda understands. (yes, apple lovers, what can i say, i'm a late bloomer!)
since i seem to be on an office~y kick here...loved talking with kara the other day, felt like an old friend. i hope to visit her and darcy at their amazing shop, mcmaster & storm, someday. i've been eyeing their sweet italian staplers for some time and had to have one! are there really 1000 staples in that tiny box ~ really? i'm loving it, thanks girls!
this is my organizing station for packing orders. just about everything i need is right here; packaging, order forms, shipping labels, thank you tags, and ribbons.
my favorite pen ~ pilot razor point II. i love to write with it and doodle. hard to find, but worth the hunt.
well, that's what i've been up to lately.
working on some wonderful new designs,
can't wait to spill the beans about it all soon ~ promise!
wow, that would be a task! it looks great though. good luck using it. do you have pictures of your studio on your blog? i shall go see...
enjoy your week,
oh your office space looks so fun & fresh!
need to find one of those pens....will i too be able to doodle as cute as you!
Love the computer! (don't you just love the Apple ads that run on t.v.?)
I recently found your blog and I love it! I love your style and that new apple computer-want one! Looking forward to more of your blogging and pix! Julie
I'm glad you're having fun stapling.
I enjoyed talking with you - you're a wonderful creative gal! Take care...we'll be in touch!
Kara & Darcy too
Love your new computer! Macs are great! I have one too!
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